Alexander The Great Statue i Skopje

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NordmakedonienAlexander The Great Statue


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Macedonia, 1000, Skopje, MK Macedonia (FYROM)
kontakter telefon: +389
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Latitude: 41.995932, Longitude: 21.431451

kommentar 5

  • Atilla Osman ÖZDEMİR

    Atilla Osman ÖZDEMİR


    This statue is very great. There is very good ambiance.

  • Petar K

    Petar K


    Abomination. There is no place for such hideous monuments in the centerof town. I hope they tear it down soon.

  • Kait R

    Kait R


    Hard to miss as it is directly in the center of Skopje. Nice place to get some travel photos and also a prime meet up point. Definitely a must see while traveling through Skopje, although I think you'd have to try pretty hard NOT to see it! Best in the warmer months when the fountains are on.

  • Connolly K

    Connolly K


    I enjoyed the statue.... and all of the statues of Skopje for that matter. A good landmark in the center of town across from the old bazaar. Huge and towering above the central square.

  • Teddy Mitchel

    Teddy Mitchel


    It is appalling to see an ancient Hellenic warrior to decorate the centre of Skopje as their national hero!! The name "Alexandros" is Hellenic and is linked to ancient Hellenic history. Nothing to do with Slavic culture! History says it and history cannot be changed! This is historical theft at its best!

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