Fitness Club FIT i Skopje

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NordmakedonienFitness Club FIT



🕗 åbningstider

9-ti Maj, 1000, Skopje, Karposh, MK Makedonien
kontakter telefon: +389 78 335 577
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.9966953, Longitude: 21.4154944

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bojan P


    Great gym with good trainers , but avoid the 5-7pm rush hours

  • Jimmy Naraine

    Jimmy Naraine


    I came all the way to the gym and they didn't let me train even though I had all the necessary clothes and was willing to pay more. However, the guy wanted me to pay for the full month! Not the nicest foreigner policy of you ask me. I've been to 68 countries around the world and this has NEVER happened to me.

  • Anton Kahwaji

    Anton Kahwaji


    Amazing Gym, Great Trainers, very nice stuff, I love how they take in consideration everything you tell them, also the prices are perfect, not expensive at all, actually they're low considering everything you get, you won't regret it if you come here, give it a visit and you'll see yourself

  • Grace (Rebecca Rachmany)

    Grace (Rebecca Rachmany)


    Basic gym, clean. Weight training with a few running and cycling machines. Good place to work out, reasonable prices, excellent personal trainers. Extremely friendly and they will definitely kick your butt into shape. The place is usually fairly crowded and there isn't much room for stretching. No classes or anything like that. This is a good, clean, solid gym with convenient afternoon and evening hours. Nothing special, no bells and whistles.

  • Ненад Вичентиќ

    Ненад Вичентиќ


    Best place that fits the following. Price, trainer, solid and awesome equipment, showers with hot water.

nærmeste Gym

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