Flower shop Meli i Skopje

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NordmakedonienFlower shop Meli



🕗 åbningstider

20, Franklin Ruzvelt, 1000, Skopje, Karposh, MK Macedonia (ARYM)
kontakter telefon: +389 2 324 5756
internet side: flowershopmeli.mk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.0001077, Longitude: 21.4131071

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ed de Groot


    Realy 100% the best. They found my love in middel of the city.they put a lot of effort in their job. Only can say thank hou dor this .Geerts Ed

  • en



    Simple website and best customer service, I recently purchased rose's on the site, somehow put the wrong date to be delivered but fortunately I called the store, lady picked up the phone and she was able make the flowers in 2 hours and deliver it with no questions asked. Planning to use this flower shop in the future.

  • Martin Sansone

    Martin Sansone


    Out of all the florists in Skopje - I struck gold finding Florist Meli :) You see I'm in Scotland UK and needed help ordering a nice flower arrangement for a dear friend who works as a teacher in Skopje. I received a response to my instant message instantly and the florist sent various photos of live displays in her store, explaining along the way. Paid by card and had my selection delivered within the hour ! Fantastic service and great quality

  • Svetlana Andova

    Svetlana Andova


    Neizmerna blagodarnost do cvekara Meli, posebno do Gordana, za nivnata usluga i profesionalnost. Toplo gi preporacuvam.

  • en

    Rose Mangs


    Perfection! I needed to order funeral flowers for my beloved aunt on short notice. I called directly from Toronto and then texted through f/b messenger. Flower shop Meli provided excellent service and was able to deliver the flowers on time! The flower arrangement was exquisite just like my Teta. Thank you Meli! I will definitely use this florist again.

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