Hotel Solun i Skopje

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NordmakedonienHotel Solun



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10 Nikola Vapcarov Str., Skopje 1000, Macedonia (FYROM)
kontakter telefon: +389 2 323 2512
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.995293, Longitude: 21.429187

kommentar 5

  • Oliver Dimitrijovski

    Oliver Dimitrijovski


    Very expensive place.... Rooms its small... Personal not frendly... No good place... No praking....

  • Bruno Henriques

    Bruno Henriques


    Super cozy hotel right in the city center. 1min walk from the main plaza. The rooms are comfortable and very clean. The breakfast selection is varied and tasty. But the best is the spa; swimming pool, sauna, steam bath, and relaxation room. Perfect selection for a weekend break.

  • Jonas Knutsson

    Jonas Knutsson


    Clean, friendly helpful staff. Good location. The standard double room was above expectations.

  • Maxim Savard

    Maxim Savard


    The spa is amazing. Like something from the future. Come mid day mid week and have the whole place to yourself.

  • Aleksandra Rolović Lakić

    Aleksandra Rolović Lakić


    Exceptional staff! They make the 5th star! All of them: from reception, from kitchen and restaurant, from back desk... all. Little bit expensive. They don't have those cards that you put on the doors from outside if you (don't) want the cleaners to clean your room. Instead they have lights that you turn off/on from the room. If the lights are on they don't clean the room, but that doesn't work when you take the electronic card (key) out. So, your room will be cleaned even if you don't want, which was the case with me.

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