Laundry Cafe i Skopje

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NordmakedonienLaundry Cafe


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14, Nikola Kljusev, 1000, Skopje, Butel, MK Macedonia (FYROM)
kontakter telefon: +389 2 321 8000
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.9975753, Longitude: 21.4291629

kommentar 5

  • Alankar Mandava

    Alankar Mandava


    I was in Skopje for a week and glad to find this place right next to my hotel, IBIS. Morning dropped off cloths can be returned in same day. The owner is friendly and speaks good English. You can pre-request her to adjust open and close timings.

  • en

    Dalibor Anchevski


    Yes they do work on Saturdays Please see opening time before going. Its very conveniant in the centre, next to Ibis hotel. Their service is friendly and professional. I use their service every week.

  • en

    Elliott Hale


    Closed on a Saturday avo.. ..

  • Grace (Rebecca Rachmany)

    Grace (Rebecca Rachmany)


    Fast, excellent service, good prices. It's a little hard to find because it's down a few stairs and there are trees on the lawn so you really have to be looking. Sign is in English and Cyrillic and the person working there also speaks English.

  • John



    I took my laundry twice to Laundry Cafe during two weeks I spent in Skopje. It's great. The owner, Olivera Kostovska, is a young entrepreneur who speaks English and is eager to please customers. My laundry was washed and folded in 24 hours. The price was excellent. The shop is cute and clean. The location is about a three minute walk from the Marriott where I stayed.

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