Move One Релокации | Подвижна компанија - Skopje, Macedonia i Shkup

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NordmakedonienMove One Релокации | Подвижна компанија - Skopje, Macedonia



🕗 åbningstider

3a, 23 Октомври, 1000, Shkup, Гази Баба, MK Mazedonien (EJRM)
kontakter telefon: +389 2 309 0022
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.991654, Longitude: 21.452143

kommentar 2

  • en

    Joe Myers


  • en

    Zoran Markovik


    Dear Move One Inc Team in Skopje, Macedonia, As you have in your records, several months ago, we moved from USA to Macedonia and your company was involved in the overseas relocation at the delivery side. Now and here we would like to express our gratitude and recognition for making our life easy in very crucial moments. You handled the import procedures of our goods very professionally, with impeccable service and even a smile while managing our 40' container with a car and personal belongings, from the port of arrival in a foreign country to the delivery at our new home address. You communicated with us frequently enough and directly and you were very helpful with advices, so we had no luck of any relevant information. You were always on time, courteous and knowledgeable, you kept everything under control, and you followed through on everything you promised. Your employees were fast, efficient, and careful and respectful of our personal items and the car. We thank Ms Marija Naumoska and Mr Krume Andov and their teams for their particular supportive engagement. Because of our stress-free and pleasant moving experience we would recommend your company Move One Inc, and your team in Macedonia, to everyone when it comes time for them to move and relocate. Sincerely, Elizabeth and Zoran Markovik Skopje, Macedonia

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