Gorki Cafe i Skopje

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NordmakedonienGorki Cafe



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20, Gjuro Strugar, 1000, Skopje, Chair, MK Macedonia (FYROM)
kontakter telefon: +389
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Latitude: 41.996262, Longitude: 21.4279415

kommentar 5

  • Mila



    Wonderful place! The food is amazing as well as the tables outside there is a shadow that keeps it cool for customers so its not hot in sunny days. The music is casual and nice. I rate it 5 starts cause there is no down at the place. Love it!

  • Vanco Ordanoski

    Vanco Ordanoski


    Very large plates, almost too big. Crowded. No good parking nearby

  • Dedo Mendo

    Dedo Mendo


    One of the coolest places in town! Unique, artistic interior, very relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. It is a nice place to hang out with your friends over some really good coffee at the balcony or beer and the famous Gorki french fries 😀 They offer really tasty food and it is quite different than what you would normally find at the cafes and restaurants here, using a lot of herbs (especially oregano:)) and interesting combination of ingredients. You should definitely visit Gorki Cafe if you are in the city❤

  • Misha Popovikj

    Misha Popovikj


    Great pub like food, friendly staff, awesome character and atmosphere

  • Славче Митров

    Славче Митров


    The place has a great choice of beer and the food that they offer is delicious. The french fries are particularly tasty and they come in large servings. Plus the placr for sitting outside is nice and has a good view of the street that goes through the center of the town. The stuff was nice and the orders were delivered fast.

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