Moe Studio Dadar i Skopje

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NordmakedonienMoe Studio Dadar



🕗 åbningstider

17, Aminta the third, 1000, Skopje, Butel, MK Mazedonien (EJRM)
kontakter telefon: +389 2 322 2922
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.0009929, Longitude: 21.425258

kommentar 5

  • en

    Despina P


    The lack of professionalism at this place is simply shocking. I went there for medical pedicure. They should not claim to do pedicure of any kind. Period!

  • en

    Alex Herreros


    It is a great and beautiful place with wonderful employees and really professionals.

  • Dani Ba

    Dani Ba


    Brza usluga, fini vraboteni, malku naporni so sugeriranje na proizvodi za koga, posetiv samo frizer, za drugite uslugi ne znam

  • en

    diana strlovski


    Dadar is the most unprofessional person I've ever come across. If I could give him negative stars I would. I met him in December 2014 when I went to his studio for a bridal trial. I actually flew from New Jersey to Skopje 8 months before my wedding just so that I could have a trial with him. I was happy with his work so I booked him for my wedding and paid for the pricey bridal package upfront. Before my wedding in August, I called periodically to confirm my appointment and was told everything was fine. A month before my wedding I called and was told I was booked and everything was ok. Then, two days before my wedding, I received a call from his staff telling me that Dadar would not be available for my wedding. Of course, I was upset because it was only 2 days before my wedding and all other artists were booked. Most of all I was angry that a "professional" could be so inconsiderate of someone's wedding day-- especially when I booked so far in advance and prepaid. Later, out of curiosity, I checked his Instagram and found out he was vacationing in Greece on the day of my wedding. When I called to get my money refunded, I was told they had no record that I ever paid for the bridal package. Needless to say, I think Dadar is the biggest scum on the earth. I was luckily able to find another professional celebrity makeup artist for my wedding day that was simply amazing. That artist actually left his vacation so he could be there in time for my wedding on only 24 hours notice- a true professional.

  • Nurangiz Khodzharova

    Nurangiz Khodzharova


    Amazing make up and hair for a wedding! Thank you for making me feel like a movie star!

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